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Ballroom Dance Lessons

I teach Beginner Ballroom groups every Saturday

from 7-9pm. Class is from 7-8 and the floor is open for student practice from 8-9. The cost is ten dollars per person. In beginner group class you will learn some basic steps and floor craft, basic partnership and fundemental techniques.  You do NOT need a partner for this class, but you do need ballroom dance shoes. We stock and can order a selection for your convenience. 

You will not learn coreography in this class. This is geared for basic beginners wanting to learn and explore the world of ballroom dance. 


Mon - Fri 12pm to 8pm

Sat 11am to 9pm



4646 Lake Road, Sheffield Lake, OH 44054

Tel: 440-949-kick

      440- 949-5425


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